Islamic Education Trust Cumbernauld

Donate Online


If you wish to give Qardha Hasanah (interest free loan) please click here. We also accept credit/debit card payments over the phone please click here for more details.

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Gift Aid Declaration

If you are a UK taxpayer, IETC can reclaim the tax you have paid on every donation you make. For every £1 you give we can claim up to 28p back from HM Revenue & Customs at no extra cost to you.

Gift Aid.


Yes, I am a UK tax payer and I wish IETC to reclaim tax on all donations I have made since 6th April 2000 and thereafter until further notice. For Gift Aid, you must pay an amount of UK Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the IETC will reclaim on your donations in the appropriate tax year.


Donation Refund Policy

If you have made a donation in error please contact IETC trustees via with your  WorldPay confirmation email and they will be happy to make any refund.  Home



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© 2011 Islamic Education Trust Cumbernauld - Charity Reg. No- SC032693